How it all started...
The Hill Chapel Baptist Church grew out of Hill First Baptist Church. In the early years, church services were held at the corner of Harris and Broad Streets and continued there for 64 years. The membership was small at the beginning, but it grew consistently. The first meetings were held in an old house and later a church structure was built and a new cornerstone was laid on June 1, 1924. Before long, expansion became necessary and appropriate land was located in the western section of the city of Athens, Georgia.
The present edifice was started June 13, 1956. For more than a year, worship services were held in the first unit of the church. In 1960, construction of an educational building was started.
The present edifice was started June 13, 1956. For more than a year, worship services were held in the first unit of the church. In 1960, construction of an educational building was started.

How we grew...

In the late eighties, $60,000.00 in additions and renovations to the structure were made. The membership continued to grow. In June of 1991, one of Hill Chapel’s most beloved pastors, Rev. Jesse Barnes, Jr. was called to serve and lead the flock.
During his pastorate, many wonderful blessings were realized. Several ministries which are still active today were established. Plans for a recreation building were finalized. A beautiful, spacious, and functional facility resulted and the Family Life Center was named in honor of Pastor Barnes. A day care center was licensed in 1999.
Also in 1999, the first Trustee Board was selected. In the summer of 2000, the church started a summer camp to serve as a safe haven for area youth. Computer classes began in 2001 to enable the church family and the community at large to learn computer technology as it bombarded society. In 2001, a youth ministry was energized and a praise dance team was formed.
In 2011-2012, a new technology system and lighting upgrades were installed at Hill Chapel. Renovations to the sanctuary and fellowship hall were completed.
During his pastorate, many wonderful blessings were realized. Several ministries which are still active today were established. Plans for a recreation building were finalized. A beautiful, spacious, and functional facility resulted and the Family Life Center was named in honor of Pastor Barnes. A day care center was licensed in 1999.
Also in 1999, the first Trustee Board was selected. In the summer of 2000, the church started a summer camp to serve as a safe haven for area youth. Computer classes began in 2001 to enable the church family and the community at large to learn computer technology as it bombarded society. In 2001, a youth ministry was energized and a praise dance team was formed.
In 2011-2012, a new technology system and lighting upgrades were installed at Hill Chapel. Renovations to the sanctuary and fellowship hall were completed.
Expanding the vision...
On September 27, 2013, the Lord sent the Reverend Benjamin E. V. Lett to Hill Chapel Baptist Church to serve as the twentieth pastor. The church has experienced numerical, financial and spiritual growth under Pastor Lett’s leadership. New land has been acquired and new deacons have been ordained to meet the growing needs of the church. The position of Christian Education Director was added to support the tremendous educational needs of Christians in a modern and unprecedented society. Our Pastor's desire for our church is to be known for a church of love and great faith in Jesus Christ, committed to ministry, personal and community growth.

Where we are headed...

Through God's grace, "The Hill" continues to expand its reach nationwide. Our mission involves continuing to serve our members and community by expanding our real estate, investing in technology and empowering our youth - our future leaders for service, all while proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"But as it is written: “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.â€
1 Corinthians 2:19
"But as it is written: “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.â€
1 Corinthians 2:19
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am.