“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”

Our Mission
The mission of the Hill Chapel Baptist Church is to bring others into a relationship as disciples of Jesus Christ; to equip one another to be actively involved in His ministry of reconciliation; to promote the private and corporate worship of God, and to live empowered by the Holy Spirit, as we proclaim The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision
It is our vision to empower all people to be agents of healing and wholeness as Disciples of Jesus Christ

Our Values
- To encourage and teach commitment to Christian Discipleship
- To develop and promote life-long Christian Education and service of all believers
- To promote genuine fellowship, worship and support within the Body of Christ
- To strive for excellence in all we give to God through tithes, offerings and service
- To enhance and promote diversity, respect and integrity within the Body of Christ
- To reach the world for Jesus Christ through mission and evangelism